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Welad Elbalad Policies

Advertising policy:

First: Basic principles:

  1. Legal, appropriate and worthy of trust

Placing and executing principles that govern the advertising content and review it so that it does not include advertising content that contradicts public order or morality or that calls for discrimination between citizens or instigates hatred or violence. Article 9, item 70 of the journalism and media regulation law:

  1. The reputation of Welad ElBalad:

The advertising process should not endanger the reputation of Welad ElBalad.

  1. Editorial autonomy:

Welad ElBalad remains the sole entity in control of all its editorial content and products.

  1. Differentiation:

Complete differentiation between the editorial content and the advertising process.

  1. Transperancy

The nature of the commercial relationship should be clear for the consumer.

  1. Welad ElBalad’s logo

The names and logos and titles and names of channels and people and anything related to Welad ElBalad should not be used for and in any advertisement.

Second: The Categories Banned from the Advertising Porcess

  1. It is forbidden for the advertisement to contain insults or degradation of human dignity in any way or any form of discrimination related to race, gender or nationality.
  2. The publishing of subjects encouraging the audience to engage in behaviour that forms a danger to a person’s health or to their family.
  3. Advertisments and materials that contain works or situations that subject children to harm or danger
  4. Media material that contain content that triggers feelings of inadequacy among children due to their inability to own a commodity or that makes them feel that not owning said commodity is a result of their parents’ negligence in preforming their duties.
  5. Pornographic or promiscuous advertisements
  6. Religions and quackery; advertisements related to, or containing content related to religious entities or institutions or related to magic, quackery or charlatanism are banned.
  7. Advertising tobacco or its products or the manufacturing of tobacco or anything related to smoking (including rolling paper and lighters) is absolutely banned.
  8. Weapons; Advertising weapons, imitation weapons and all sorts of weaponry industries is banned.
  9. Alcohol is completely banned


Third: Categories that conform to the advertising laws and are appropriate to the products of Welad ElBalad but that have to be presented to the central management before being approved

  1. Financial products and services
  2. Medicines, curative services and advice requests.
  3. Birth control
  4. Marriage services
  5. NGOs
  6. Charitable organizations
  7. Civil work and rights groups


Fourth: Restrictions on advertising

  1. Journalists or media personalities are prevented from pursuing advertisements or getting any amounts of cash or privileges due to publishing advertisements or broadcasting them in any capacity or to sign their name on advertisement content or to participate with their picture or voice in paid commercial advertisements. Adversaries are liable for punishment “item 26 of the law organizing press and media”.
  2. Advertising content should not include the names of Welad ElBalad branches and their logos and their names or the names of their channels or forms or personalities.
  3. The advertisement should receive an approval from the central administrative office of Welad ElBalad for media services.
  4. Advertising does not apply to news content or content that contains current news.
  • Regulations of the publishing of advertisements inside Welad ElBalad Company
  1. The phrase “Editorial advertisement or Special Material or Documentary Advertisement or Documentary Material” on editorial advertising material.
  2. The intervention of the advertiser in editorial matters or their intervention in editorial decisions is prohibited.
  3. Differentiating between advertisements and editorials and media materials should be clear.
  4. Direct advertisements should be published in designated places and in set sizes that can not be changed to preserve the basic form of the website.
  5. Preserving the quality of advertising designs that are executed by Welad ElBalad. No sub-par design of an advertisement may be accepted as it could create an inappropriate form that may adversely affect the reputation of the website and the company.
  6. Editorial advertisments are to be written and revised through Welad ElBalad
  • Regulations of publishing political and electrol advertising
  1. Avoiding excessive exaggeration
  2. Avoiding attacking opponents
  3. The following phrases are not to be used when writing editorial advertisements
  • Has pre-booked his seat – Except when talking about an uncontested nominee
  • The best in the electoral district
  • A religious man or a man of God – as in more religious than the rest
  1. Not to violate the sanctuary of private life
  2. Not to publish false material or numbers that affects the inclinations of voters before elections.



Editorial Policy

About Us:

“Welad ElBalad” is a pioneering Egyptian media company that aims at developing local journalism in our country, in terms of concept, skills and practice. It includes a widespread network of highly qualified local journalists and its mission is to contribute to the nurturing of highly professional journalism committed in the fullest sense to the ethics of the profession and its noble values. We serve our local communities and engage closely with them giving them voice and expressing their concerns and acts as a mediator between its members and the concerned authorities. It is a voice for the voiceless and its logo is “journalism from the people for the people”. We provide a comprehensive journalistic multi-media service. Welad ElBalad won several prizes for its work in journalism from international sources such as WAN IFRA, One World Media, Global Editors Network among others.



  • Developing local journalism forms to serve the local audience.
  • Serving as a link between citizens and officials in an attempt to find solutions to the problems that the former faces by presenting them objectively and shedding light on the positive examples in local society. The intention is to create societal awareness that helps in developing these societies.

Our Slogan:

Welad ElBalad have chosen the slogan “Journalism from the people for the people”


Our Mission:

To contribute to building highly professional journalism that is strongly committed to the professional ethics of the profession and its noble values. We serve the local community and maintain the strongest ties with it.


Our Vision  

Our ambition is to change the incorrect concepts around local journalism and weaken its effect inside said societies.


Editorial Policies

The responsibility for published materials falls on the company after verifying the facts in the stories from primary sources and based on indisputable evidence. The published material will abide by the ethics of journalism.



  • Abiding by the three sources of journalistic ethics:

Respecting the citizen, respecting the truth and respecting humans

  • Distinguishing between personal opinion and slandering or insult. Only opinions are accepted.
  • Distinguishing between opinion and news
  • Commitment to objectivity
  • Refraining from publishing the names and pictures of suspects in cases before a final verdict is announced.
  • Guaranteeing the right to reply and correct.
  • The reader is the primary focus, not the sources or officials.
  • Differentiating between advertisement and editorial material
  • Commitment to the Code of Honor for Journalists
  • Commitment to integrity in presenting the facts we possess or admitting to not having reached the complete truth in any of the cases being covered or in features or different published materials.
  • Commitment to morality and the general context of society
  • Respecting the right to privacy
  • Respecting personal freedoms, respecting different belief systems and religions, rejection of racism, sectarianism, denominationalism and asserting the belief in the coexistence between different religions, denominations and races on the bases of the civil state and complete equality in front of the law in opportunities and rights.


Gender Balance

Welad ElBalad pays a lot of attention to justice and equality in all issues, most important among which are gender balance in media and working on raising awareness about the weakness of women’s voices in news content and shedding light on the collective influence of society.


The regulations and ethics of comments on the posts on the website and other social media sites:

  1. Comments should be related to the original subject
  2. Respecting different opinions
  3. Guaranteeing the right to reply
  4. Insulting any person whether they are a public figure or not is not allowed but each person has the right to criticize another person objectively and respectfully
  5. Promoting websites or pages is not allowed and anyone who wants to publish an advertisement should contact us on the following email address: Info@weladelbalad.org
  6. Comments that contradict these rules will be removed and if they are repeated the member who posted them will be banned.
  7. Letters by readers on social media pages will be replied to within 24 hours of being published.

Contact us on:

Via email:  Info@weladelbalad.org

Via mail: Buld#2 Sherif St. Abdeen, Cairo


Anit -discrimination policy


Welad ElBalad for media services examines the definition of harassment crimes in the workplace and the mechanism of dealing with them. We also wish to share it with male and female journalists in and outside of the country to provide protection and create a safe working environment for everyone.

The mechanisms of interactions in Welad El Balad include defining a number of terms that may cause problems in the work environment. Among them is harassment, misuse of authority, bullying, discrimination on the basis of religion or geographic location or colour or against individuals or abuse, or discrimination against sexual orientation or conduct and mistreatment.

Sexual Harrasment in the Work Place

The guide entitled “sexual harassment in media “produced by the Women in News Program of One Afro in May 2018 defines harassment as “unwanted and offensive behavior, of a sexual nature, that violates a person’s dignity and makes them feel degraded, humiliated, intimidated or threatened”.

The actions considered harassment are as follows:

Physical actions:

Such as touching of a sexual nature or rape, kissing someone without their consent, fondling the intimate organs or another person, holding another person’s hand without their consent.

Verbal actions:

Sending sexual jokes over email or social media platforms, personal or intrusive comments about a person’s attire or their physical appearance… ect.

Non verbal actions:

Looking at someone top to bottom, physical gestures of a sexual nature, facial gestures of a sexual nature such as winking or sending kisses from a distance, unwanted personal gifts.

Sexual Harassment over the internet:

Sexual harassment that takes place over private or public digital platforms including using messages, shared content, pictures, videos, and pages.

Currently there is no systematic response to online sexual harassment that media organizations and professionals can draw on. This is something Women in News will be working on in the future.

The effect of harassment on the flow or work:

The report issued by the Women in the News program states that the impact of harassment affects the harassed person, the harasser, and the media organization. The person harassed suffers a loss of their job motivation and a weakened performance, anxiety, nervousness, depression, shock, deterioration of relationships, withdrawal, sleep disorders, lack of appetite, general weakness. The harasser will face the problems of a tarnished professional record, degrading of their professional position or dismissal, loss of income in addition to legal problems and imprisonment and feelings of shame, guilt, embarrassment, anxiety, worry, depression, social ostracizing, deterioration of relations and social ties.

The media organization will also suffer the consequences of the crime of sexual harassment in the work place as productivity and team work will weaken, employees will be demoralized, administrative performance will decrease because of time spent in remedying the effects of harassment in addition to the scandal in the media circles and the depreciation of the moral reputation. Additionally, there will be a need to replace employees, financial obligations and loss of readership.

The Workplace:

The workplace refers to the offices, news rooms and also meetings, conferences, training sessions, events and digital platforms used by the organization and its employees.

Mechanisms of dealing with harassment complaints:

Welad ElBalad administration receives complaints from “the harassed” either verbally or in writing and it is presented by hand or via email complaintsonweb@gmail.com

The complaint is settled and turned to the legal department that then forms an investigative committee made up of a female journalist known for objectivity and for being accepted among her colleagues as well as a representative from the legal affairs department and a nominee from outside of Welad El Balad in addition to a representative of the administration for coordination and supplying all the needs of the committee.

The committee enjoys total independence in its work and Welad ElBalad provides it with all its requests. Its recommendations are presented to Welad ElBalad’s administration. Additionally, the right to communicate with consultants from outside of Welad ElBalad, for coordination and closing matters in a way that guarntees the rights of the complainant and the organization, is preserved. A survey will be sent to all colleagues in Welad ElBalad, with the guarantee of total secrecy, and an HR consultant external to Welad ElBalad will work on it. The purpose of the poll is to report any bullying or harassment during work.

The committee pledges, in writing or via email, the following:

  1. Preserving the secrecy of the investigation and the privacy of the complainant.
  2. Not to disclose any information about the course of the investigation until it is over
  3. That the committee does not receive any money in return for the investigation.


  • Welad ElBalad provides the complainant with total protection and prevents the presence of the two parties in one place in the news room. In case this is not possible the complainant is given a paid leave until the end of the investigation. The defendant will be suspended as soon as the complaint is received to avoid friction, communication or threats until the investigation is over.
  • Welad ElBalad’s administration presents the final decision to the complainant and the defendant and to preserve everyone’s privacy they will be informed of the decision without being handed any documents related to the investigative procedures.
  • In case an indictment is reached against the defendant the penalties will apply ranging form salary deduction to downgrading the employment grade to termination of employment or referral to the judiciary. Employees of Welad ElBalad will not be informed of the reasons except in case of the agreement of the complainant to preserve their privacy.
  • Administrative penalties are imposed on any colleague in Welad ElBalad if they attempt to influence the results of the investigative committee.
  • The complainant has the right to present a waiver to the investigative committee at any stage of the investigation and the committee has the right to accept it or reject it.
  • All the statements of the witnesses and the complainant are to be recorded digitally or in writing and signed by them.
  • The defendant has the write to appeal the decision issued by the investigation committee as long as they presents new evidence supporting their position. Welad ElBalad’s administration will inform them of the acceptance or rejection within three days of the appeal. The committee may accept the reconciliation between complainant and the defendant after an apology between them is accepted.
  • In case of an anonymous complaint being received over email, the investigation committee will meet to review the matter and either refer it to an investigation or ignore it according to whether they find it to be serious or vexatious and then issues a clarification statement to be published internally in the organization and on its website and the social media platforms

Other defenitions


The term “racial discrimination” shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life”

It is all unequal treatment including acts or exclusion, restriction or preferential treatment on bases of age, sex, colour, race, religious believes, social background, class, sexual orientation, personal relations, political opinions and other non-professional bases. This discrimination also includes all preferences or exclusions that negatively affect the principles of equal opportunity and justice and the right of every employee in receiving appreciation for their work regardless of any other factors.

“The definition is taken from International Convention on the elimination of all Racial Discrimination”

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